“Burnley people, Pakistani roots”

‘One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.’

For nearly thirty years, Jinnah Community Development Trust Ltd, a registered charity based in the Daneshouse ward of Burnley, has been serving the community – its many initiatives a record of a commitment to generations of local people.

Always looking for new opportunities to continue its work, Jinnah successfully bid for a heritage project from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The organisation is also beginning a peer mentoring programme with local ex-offenders to support their integration back into society. So it really is an exciting time for us.


Mr Malik (centre of picture), founder of Jinnah Development Trust, as a scout group leader in Pakistan c. 1960. The vision for our heritage project focuses on the memories of Pakistanis who first came to Burnley in the 1960s up to the present day.

The aim of the project is to showcase the successful contribution of these pioneers in the local community. We want to reach as many people as possible, so will target both the Pakistani community to encourage people to cherish their own heritage and non-Asian communities to help people learn about their neighbours. We will research the professional histories of Pakistanis who led the way in establishing their community in Burnley, as well as recording the continued contribution of the second and third generation. The organisation wishes to celebrate those histories, achievements and to tell the stories to a wider audience through a touring exhibition, book and website.

The emphasis is on social history and civic engagement by looking at different areas of society in the town. It will provide a timely highlight of what makes communities richer. Every individual’s story is unique and so we look forward to learning from those who are willing to share their story with us.

The stories and traditions of this diverse group of the Burnley community are to be preserved as enduring evidence not only of their contribution but also to act as a catalyst to increase participation of a range of groups by creating a network to conserve and share this history. Jinnah’s project is a vehicle to bring the community together, dispel a few myths, create local pride, enhance civic virtue and actively preserve a community in partnership.

The public will be able to access the final exhibition, compiled with a multi-media approach with audio and film recordings, photographs and artefacts, at a variety of venues, including Towneley Hall.

Jinnah Development Trust has a particular desire to engage with schools and other educational organisations to inform the attitudes and perceptions of young people through this project.